Sunday, August 14, 2011

Poll: Have you heard that Christ is to return May 21st, 2011? just a yes or no would be fine.?

BTW all the information used to come up that is fervently claimed to be from the Bible Only. I must say that personally I am more and more convinced as the days p leading ever closer to that time which is now just months away! Another part of that, just in case you have not heard, is that upon His return, not only will all His people be "raptured" (the actual Biblical words say "taken up" but also there is to be a huge worldwide earhquake! ALL tthe graves, tombs, unmarked places that contain the remains of all the dead unsaved ones will be tered all over the face of the world as a "shame" in the eyes of God and whoever else understands the meaning thereof. Many folks estimate that there might well have been as many people who have lived and died up until now as there are actually alive today! So that is the remains and corses of SEVEN BILLION people! THAT is a whole lot of disease ridden stench to have occupying the same areas that people live in today! The enormity of even beginning to handle the needed clean up would be overwhelming under the best of cirstances, but adding to a world reeling from the largest earthquake EVER with it's epicenter EVERYWHERE just makes the whole scenerio ridiculously hideous to imagine! People would just be dying as a result by the thousands and MILLIONS as the days p and things grow ever more desperate! Add to all this the sickening revelation to all the church going religious billions of people that instantly realize that THEY have been rejected by God who instead favored this relatively small number the folks they had been sure were evil kooks because they ran around warning everyone about "May 21 being judgment day!" The other thing they warned about was a 153 day period after May 21, as a time of hell on earth with total chaos death and disease just killing more and more and more people as the days march on toward ...the END. The last day is claimed to be on that 153rd day after Judgment Day began on May 21. That date is said to be October 21! The Bible speaks of the entire universe down to the elemental level melting with fervent heat! Again the Poll question is "have you heard this warning before now? I do not think many have, and it makes me wonder how everyone worldwide is suppose to find out by May 21?? With all the other predictions and so many movies about the end of the world, the media has indicated so far that they could care less about covering these dates! I have to wonder what God would use to change that?? Maybe if there are a bunch of people selling their homes and cashing out Retirement accounts etc just to use the money to warn the world, like donating it tto Family Radio and other organizations warning folks or even buying air time or billboard space on individual basis? that these sort of things will grab the attention of the media as the thing to cover, with the date and warning just being incidental to that story as far as they would be concerned?? But anyway maybe more polls later but for now I sure am interested to know what percent has even HEARD about just the date of May 21, 2011 even? Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and really quickly just answering this poll with a yes or a no (although a brief comment might be interestingly welcome along with that!

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